Kazan, the improvements you've made to this skin since first post are dramatic.
I have one suggestion for you, regarding paint chips - if your paint chip layer is above the panel line layer, the panel lines won't show through the chips. This appears to be happening - see the large chip below the cockpit on the left side, just behind the black cross kill marks. It appears to sit on top of the panel line, and blocks out the line directly beneath it.
Since panel lines are really nothing more than the shadows of the gaps between panel sections, they should be very near the top in layer order. The panel line should be visible through the chip, just as it is visible through the "RF" and "D" painted on the side of the fuselage.
I've also taken to spreading the paint wear/chipping faintly along the panel line near large chips, to represent wear along the panel's edge. It softens the sudden appearance of a large chipped area.
Looking very good!