Is there anything you can post here that can end the debate?
If it's that cut and dry, then Kazan should probably darken his paint shade.
One of these parts with remaining paint is from a Lancaster and the other a 61st Squadron P-47M? start with "Pengie V".
The image is horribly out of focus still looks black.
3 more 61st birds all look flat black.
The blue roundel pops against the black of HV-S.
"Sue" HV-K.
"Joy Boy" HV-P.
Lt. Ellis's plane "Blue Eyes" Lt. Ernest H. Treff standing on it.
Flat black it appears to me also the other 61st aircraft in the back ground.
Here is a 63rd squadron plane that Fencer did for the game. A newer book that came out after it was skinned has pointed out something in this image that is easily missed.
The black cowl band is not that far off from the shades of blue used for the 63rd squadron. I think the closeness of some of the 63rd's blue tones get confused with the 61st's black upper surfaces. Plus the huts in the background painted like the jug in the foreground same colours of blue.
Look at the plane in a black and white image the black cowl is notably different.
From a 56th fighter group book I have.
Don't be surprised when black earlier models of the P-47 of the 56th fighter group show up in game.