I got a bit bored this weekend so I decided to have a bit of fun with my Quest. I also use an original Rift (CK1), most of the time this is what I play on. The Quest is also shared among my kids, and occasionally I get it back.
I decided to give Wireless Air Link a bit of a go (the Quest works as a tether PC VR headset except over Wifi). I really wanted to see if I could get Onward going on it, I love the Quest native version of Onward but the lure of the PC graphics tempted me. I also have a spare 802.1ac 4x4 MIMO access point kicking around I could dedicate to the Quest.
The result was quite impressive, AH was absolutely fine. I was getting a constant 71fps and clarify was good. Onward was equally good but I had to keep the graphic settings relatively low to keep FPS acceptable. I also gave Skyrim VR and spin and that was awesome being able to play PC VR away from the PC with no cables. I have the access point setup in my garage and leave the cars outside when I want to play - gives me a nice open play space without the risk of punching my monitor (which I have done occasionally in Skyrim VR).
Is anyone else running wireless Airlink?