Let me start by saying that what I am about to say will probably spur some negative reply. I truly am not trolling for any such negativity, I never do. My thought process by nature goes against the grain, please dont banter me because my ideas don't align with yours. Instead, try exploring my view.
Head movement scaling for enhanced check 6 abilities in VR. Please lessen my virtual realness experience by giving me a tool so that I may achieve my end result with less effort? Take from the non virtual 2d part of the game and adapt it in VR and set hat switch looking to achieve the end result with less effort? It is human nature to shortcut to achieve end result with less or no effort. Remember when there was no hat switch viewing? I agree that our necks are no longer 20 yrs old and all it takes is a quick look in the wrong direction, the wrong way and the next thing you know you have stiff neck for 2 weeks..
When I watch youtube vids of Aces High Ace pilots, there is one common aspect in every single one of them. The views are bouncing all over the place.. Some guys fly while looking backwards. It can be hard to follow. I get it though, its how you keep your eyes on the enemy, or multiple enemies. I'm sure that is probably the hardest adjustment for you guys to make when making the switch to VR. It must feel like you are blind to not have the ability to snap look in any direction like you do when playing non vr and have played for some 20 years.
After watching some of my streams, Lunatic asked me "Why don't you check your six?" after noticing that I never hat switch my view to the 6 pos nor do I strain my neck to look straight back. I use my radar to see enemy at my 6 at a glance. But to maintain spatial awareness in VR in flight i do the same thing I do in life everyday.
I look around, recognize your direction of travel, calculate your path and adjust my path to intercept or evade. If multiple planes then my mind sees multiple paths, calculates and adjusts. You already do that with enemy that are in front of you, let your minds eye do it for planes behind you as well and it will. Just like we don't need google maps navigation to tell us how to get somewhere, we don't need to scale our head turn. let your brain give you a mental picture of everything behind you in real time. You know what your enemy is going to do already, you just use the check six for verification. Let go Luke, use the force and it will guide you well. The mind is a powerful computer[ but only if we let it be.
Whats my point? you dont need to scale your turn, you dont need hat switch snap views. trust your brain,your experience and your incredible knowledge of every aircrafts ability in the game to give you the mental views you seek.
This subject reminds me of something I learned about surviellence.. The thousand yard stare.. The ability to see as far as the eye can see, in every direction, without appearing to be looking in any direction at all..
No points, just thought experiments.