So I've had an in progress 190F-8 in the works for a few years. Tropical scheme, tan with green splotches. Similar to the default skin.
I've worked on it a bit and then set it aside a few times for various reasons. Mostly because I was not happy with how the green splotches looked.
Decided to take another stab at finishing it tonight since it would be accurate for June's FSO. Started the splotches from scratch and was happy with how they looked. Decided to save the work to check the alignment of the splotches across the seams in the 3D model.
So what happened?
Gimp froze while the file was saving. Had to terminate the application from the task manager.
Relaunched Gimp to continue working on the skin. I probably only lost 10-15 minutes of work since the last save.
Error: File Corrupted.
Skin is toast.
Too mad to try starting it over. Damn skin has been a disappointing thorn in my side since 2018 and goes out like a chump just when it seemed to be turning itself into something worthy of finishing.
Happy Trails, 190F-8 Trop
Guess I'll update that Emil after all.