With a typical TFG supporter facts and reality don’t exist. Only the carefully crafted viewpoint a entrainment station drills into their low functioning brains. Between the crushing fear of everything in the world (think space lizards, a single guy can not so secretly control all governments but isn’t smart enough to shut down simple message boards - these sort of fantasies)
I listened to some of the Jan 6 stuff and did my normal swap between live video of the proceedings and faux news. On faux news I heard the word “sham” repeated 11 times for 7 different entertainers in less then 8 minutes.
After doing something similar today, I’m sure the typical faux news watcher will say “ there’s no rebuttal so it’s not true”. Rinse and repeat on whatever they are programmed to say I’ve the next couple of days.
TFG was right when he said he could shoot someone on the street and his minions would still love him. It’s rather easy for him to do. Simple minds, spread the fear, repeat things many many times (it’s takes multiple repeats to get these little brains to retain any info)