My issue is that they are using gment to try to hurt one industry while at the same time promote another industry, rather than allow the market to choose what it wants. If electric and solar were all that great right. People would be dropping it all to go get them. But no, they have to make policy to hurt one industry causing massive price hikes on citizens, that hurt poorer citizens the most, while pushing electric and solar and wind that aren't strong enough to sustain a population or strong enough to fight the elements causing a lot of expense in repairs that also hurt the poorer citizens.
This is true. Our country has actually lost sight of true capitalism and the sense of freedom intended by the Founding Fathers. The power was meant to be distributed to states, cities, etc, NOT the federal government. This is exactly why the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, to prevent this from happening.
But now I meet people regularly who say the Constitution is outdated.
Yeah, great, get rid of the document that is literally the foundation for our country. Once that happens politicians can do literally anything they want without consequences.
P.S "people I meet that think this"- there's this thing called amendments that was built into the Constitution. There's no valid reason for it to be outdated when the states can literally add amendments and ratify them.
Which also raises the question- If people are saying the Constitution is outdated, then so are its amendments. Are they saying that the 15th and 19th amendments are outdated? Because those are the ones that allow women and colored people to vote. I think I might use that next time someone tells me the Constitution is outdated. Turn the tables on them.