Author Topic: Roe Overturned  (Read 24314 times)

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #525 on: July 01, 2022, 02:18:00 PM »
I did answer your question. My answer is that the supreme Court does not create law. So they do not decide issues that are not already in the constitution. What you seem to be asking is whether or not some issues are so important that the supreme Court needs to make a decision. That's not how it works. They make decisions based on what is in the constitution. If it's not in the constitution then the federal government can make a federal law if they want or the states can make their own laws..

Other than that I'm not sure what you're asking in your hypothetical story ICOM for short.

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #526 on: July 01, 2022, 02:20:00 PM »
And to add to that, no. The supreme Court does not get to decide issues that you may feel are too important. Or hypothetically somebody feels are too important for the federal government or the states to decide.

The federal government can make a law tomorrow that says abortions are legal throughout the land. If they want to make it a fundamental right they can add it to the constitution. So there's your answer. No. ICOM for short.

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #527 on: July 01, 2022, 02:22:45 PM »
And who gets to decide if an issue is fundamentally too important to allow states to decide?

If the federal government thinks it's too important for the states to decide they can make a law or amend the constitution.

I'm not even sure what the point of your question was. It's pretty idiotic because the answer is just obvious already. ICOM for short.

Offline knorB

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #528 on: July 01, 2022, 02:37:01 PM »
Why do they hate the 10th?  Because they are a bunch of busybodies, thats why.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #529 on: July 01, 2022, 02:51:04 PM »
Basically, are the some issues so fundamental that they should to be decided at a federal level?
Or should everything such as slavery, abortion, civil rights always be decided at the state level?

The answer to the first question is a three-letter word.  That's why we have a federal constitution.  All of the ratifying states agreed that the topics dealt with in that document were so fundamental that they had to apply to everyone in every state.  The subsequent constitutional amendments dealt either with similar fundamental questions, or with administrative aspects of the federal government.

Deciding what matters are so fundamental that they have to apply to everyone is the reason we only have 27 amendments.  It's tough to get everyone's agreement.

- oldman

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #530 on: July 01, 2022, 02:58:29 PM »

The answer to the first question is a three-letter word.  That's why we have a federal constitution.  All of the ratifying states agreed that the topics dealt with in that document were so fundamental that they had to apply to everyone in every state.  The subsequent constitutional amendments dealt either with similar fundamental questions, or with administrative aspects of the federal government.

Deciding what matters are so fundamental that they have to apply to everyone is the reason we only have 27 amendments.  It's tough to get everyone's agreement.

- oldman

Thank you for a thoughtful answer to the actual question I asked.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #531 on: July 08, 2022, 09:39:26 PM »
Can't believe some of the commentary in this thread.  So women shouldn't get to decide what happens with their body?  I don't see anyone screaming for universal health care, child  care, improved education etc.  Pay for housing for single parents?  As anyone who is a parent knows, this isn't cheap.  But I don't see any of the pro-birth crowd pushing any of  these things to help take care of kids they demand be born regardless of the cost to the parent.

How many of you are willing to adopt a child regardless of health?  Rape and Incest victims have to carry the baby to birth?  I'm guessing the same folks pro-birth are death penalty fans too.  As some folks know, my wife who is a nurse, found an abandoned baby who had been left to die because of the birth defects he had.  We figured we could get that part taken care of in the US.  Of course he was an immigrant,and the wrong color for many of the right wing wackos, but that's beside the point.  On top of the visible cleft lip and pallet, it turned out our little man is profoundly deaf, has Charge Syndrome, and is developmentally delayed.  Thankfully we have a good home, and a family support system that helps us raise Matthew.  I ended up having to give up my job to stay home and take care of him as he can get explosive at times.  I can handle him when that happens and keep him and us safe.  I love my son and anyone who knows me knows that.  Having said that, there are times where I wonder if we did him any favors by keeping him alive.  His quality of life will never be what my other kids had no matter how hard we work at it.  Feeding him through a G-tube, knowing that he'll never be able to be independent.

Again, we have the family support system that helps me keep going as my 24/7 day is now taking care of my son. 

But what about those kids who end up forced to give birth and are single parents, dealing with their own issues and don't have the resources to give that baby a chance?  What about pregnancies that involve kids with birth defects or the parent is an addict? 

Until we as a country are willing to spend the money for health care, housing, education, and there are enough people willing to provide the homes for those babies regardless of health issues, then pretending that outlawing abortion is the humane thing to do is BS.  It will end up in the back alley's again, and women will die needlessly.  And if you aren't willing to take on one of those babies, then shut the hell up.  Talk is cheap.
8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #532 on: July 08, 2022, 10:29:33 PM »
Maybe if women didn't carelessly get pregnant and get abortions as if it's popping a pimple.

Whatever happened to responsibility?

Why should I pay for some squeakes baby just because she's a dumbshit? ICOM for short.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #533 on: July 08, 2022, 10:33:12 PM »
What about men carelessly impregnating women and wanting them to have abortions 'like popping a pimple?'

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #534 on: July 08, 2022, 10:55:32 PM »
If you're a woman and don't want a baby, your options are pretty simple. It's not that hard to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy. Still, you better be prepared to care for a baby if you do get pregnant.

That's just a simple and basic moral way of looking at it.

A baby is a life. It's not some flippant thing.

Get diddlying serious. Grow the diddly up ICOM for short.

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #535 on: July 08, 2022, 11:04:55 PM »
Can't believe some of the commentary in this thread.  So women shouldn't get to decide what happens with their body?  I don't see anyone screaming for universal health care, child  care, improved education etc.  Pay for housing for single parents?  As anyone who is a parent knows, this isn't cheap.  But I don't see any of the pro-birth crowd pushing any of  these things to help take care of kids they demand be born regardless of the cost to the parent.

How many of you are willing to adopt a child regardless of health?  Rape and Incest victims have to carry the baby to birth?  I'm guessing the same folks pro-birth are death penalty fans too.  As some folks know, my wife who is a nurse, found an abandoned baby who had been left to die because of the birth defects he had.  We figured we could get that part taken care of in the US.  Of course he was an immigrant,and the wrong color for many of the right wing wackos, but that's beside the point.  On top of the visible cleft lip and pallet, it turned out our little man is profoundly deaf, has Charge Syndrome, and is developmentally delayed.  Thankfully we have a good home, and a family support system that helps us raise Matthew.  I ended up having to give up my job to stay home and take care of him as he can get explosive at times.  I can handle him when that happens and keep him and us safe.  I love my son and anyone who knows me knows that.  Having said that, there are times where I wonder if we did him any favors by keeping him alive.  His quality of life will never be what my other kids had no matter how hard we work at it.  Feeding him through a G-tube, knowing that he'll never be able to be independent.

Again, we have the family support system that helps me keep going as my 24/7 day is now taking care of my son. 

But what about those kids who end up forced to give birth and are single parents, dealing with their own issues and don't have the resources to give that baby a chance?  What about pregnancies that involve kids with birth defects or the parent is an addict? 

Until we as a country are willing to spend the money for health care, housing, education, and there are enough people willing to provide the homes for those babies regardless of health issues, then pretending that outlawing abortion is the humane thing to do is BS.  It will end up in the back alley's again, and women will die needlessly.  And if you aren't willing to take on one of those babies, then shut the hell up.  Talk is cheap.

Really no one should give your post any consideration with the “right wing wackos” comment…

Nevertheless, you obviously don’t understand what SCOTUS did with Roe. They did not outlaw abortion, they simply gave the right to make their own decisions back to the states and not force Federal law.

Maybe you watch too much CNN and might try actually reading the SCOTUS decision?
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline RotBaron

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #536 on: July 08, 2022, 11:09:32 PM »

Until we as a country are willing to spend the money for health care, housing, education, and there are enough people willing to provide the homes for those babies regardless of health issues,

Your party has the Presidency and the votes in Congress to do this, so get started on it already!
They're casting their bait over there, see?

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #537 on: July 08, 2022, 11:17:05 PM »
If you're a woman and don't want a baby, your options are pretty simple. It's not that hard to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy. Still, you better be prepared to care for a baby if you do get pregnant.

That's just a simple and basic moral way of looking at it.

A baby is a life. It's not some flippant thing.

Get diddlying serious. Grow the diddly up

a baby is a life.  but you aren't willing to help that life grow.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #538 on: July 08, 2022, 11:22:13 PM »
Abortion is not a right and never has been under our constitution. That's what the ruling says and any numbskull should agree with that, unless they can magically find that abortion is a right enshrined in The Constitution.

The Supreme Court decided based on actual law - that abortion is NOT a constitutional right and never was.

Not sure how informed some of you are, but the SC did not outlaw or ban abortions. ICOM for short.

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Re: Roe Overturned
« Reply #539 on: July 08, 2022, 11:28:46 PM »
a baby is a life.  but you aren't willing to help that life grow.


If I have a baby, I'll help that life grow. If you have one then YOU should help that life grow. And if you can't afford a baby, you shouldn't be dumb enough to have one.

Why do you guys always expect a handout for EVERYBODY?  Handouts teach people to live off of my tax dollars - which is money involuntarily seized from me and distributed to lazy bellybutton bums in a lot of cases.

Really, I'm not against taxes. That's what makes our country work. However, the government will never have enough of our money. The more they suck from us the more they waste.

This shirt starts with the family and properly raising responsible people. Work hard and be responsible.

Sometimes people do need help. Churches and communities have traditionally provided for people in need. ICOM for short.