New rookie coming in to say howdy!
Just getting started again after ... damn 15 years already? Maybe even 20?
Used to play Fighter Ace a lot. Really should get around to learning to actually fly too!
Anyways - I would love to join a squad in my timezone (Ireland) and do some more team based stuff and learn.
See you in the skies! Probably from the vantage point of your crosshairs.
Just take some advice from a former and hope to be back in about six weeks player. Never forget to have fun. Sure.. work on your craft and skills, get advice from more senior guys than you, spend time in the TA putting whatever plane you're playing that day through it's paces, and so on. But don't take the game too seriously. Sometimes, back in the day, when I was feeling in a bit of a funk I'd get on offline and take a PT boat out and sink carriers, or take a Jeep to a field and plink away at the ack.
The best part of this game, for me at least, was the people. Even rivals turned out to be great sorts that I consider friends to this day.
Welcome to the game man and I hope you get every bit the fun and joy that I had playing.