Further, the reason your farming output has been increasing is BECAUSE farmers are using so much more fertilizers than they had prior to 1990.
That ends now with this plan.
Or course you don't get it because you're an absolute moron.
The plan is to pursue an absolute emissions reduction of nitrogen by 30 percent, just like that article you linked says.
here's the article he posted, if anyone wants to not understrand it like morphine.
https://fertilizercanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Emissions-Reduction-Initiative-Impacts-Solutions.pdfThat article lists the gains in agriculture up to this time and THEN tells us that the new, hard limit on emissions is going to drastically cut all of that. Do you not get it? Incredible.
In initial conversations with Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada (AAFC), the government has stated their
intention to pursue an absolute emissions reduction
of 30%, rather than an emissions intensity reduction
of 30%. This short-sighted approach to reducing
emissions will result in the need to reduce nitrogen
fertilizer use and will have considerable impact on
Canadian farmers’ incomes and reduce overall
Canadian exports and GDP.
Total Emission Reduction puts a cap on the total
emissions allowable from fertilizer at 30% below
2020 levels. As the yield of Canadian crops is
directly linked to proper fertilizer application this
creates a ceiling on Canadian agricultural
productivity well below 2020 levels.
That is from your article. You may have read it but you're too dumb to realize that it was written in opposition to the hard-limit in emissions.
Try being less baked all day.
All in the name of climate change. Screw the farmers and your own industry. Cut off your nose to spite your face.