This game glitch has got to be fixed, otherwise it will kill the game. On 1 certain terrain tile, the 3 story building in the villages can be entered with a gv. While it is not something you can just drive into, it can still be accessed relatively easily. While the individual is in the building, they can see out and shoot with out being seen. If you happen to be looking and see the muzzle flash, you know they are there, however the only way to kill them is to bomb the building. We have a few of the best gv'ers in the game utilizing this glitch, when confronted they argue its part of the game, any one can use it. Like it or not, agree or not, its wrong and it is gaming the game.
As a map maker it is easy to avoid the problem, I just do not use that tile near any base as I create a new map. Unfortunately we have fjordma, bowlma, craterma, & etoma that have this tile in use.
There let the Flames begin.