All well and good joking around implying drug use, amusing lightweight mental breakdowns and mocking someone who is a bit vocal and different from you until you realise that the number one killer of men under 35 years of age is not war, road-traffic accidents, murder or cancer but suicide. Eighty percent of suicides are men and the rate amongst men aged 35-64. is - in some places - in sharp increase. Someone living alone with dogs, with the EQ of a tube of toothpaste & unable to form a meaningful relationship with a real woman which does not require inflating, childless and only able to interact with people through (what they find) amusing gifs or profoundly ignorant one-line comments on a game forum is eventually going to start looking at their 9mm in a different way. Although initially purchased with self-defence in mind, the associations and idle handling of the weapon begin to be connected with the futility of life, the missed opportunities for growth and the desolate isolation of a declining existence alone, unloved and without purpose. At a given moment they realised that hanging onto life being all that they are is merely stubbornness and force of habit. Their body, now partially consumed by their once beloved pet dogs, lying for weeks undiscovered and only then when bills begin to become unpaid. Our only hope is that when he does inevitably press that muzzle against his temple, the bullet goes clear through his head and misses his tiny brain entirely, only hitting un-vital bone and fatty tissue. Otherwise - I don't know about you guys - I would really miss Coogan's contributions to this forum.