And whatever you think, that didn't happen.
Yeah nah, it's not purely what I think, I formed a hypothesis, gathered evidence and presented it. That's what we who do not live in Mos Eisley spaceport call a convincing argument. Maybe if you repeat it to yourself 500 times it'll change your internal reality. External reality is something different. The beauty of rigorous thought and evidence is, it doesn't matter how much you personally believe it, it still binds and applies to you. Have a go in court sometime and see how your low-level self-lying and what you think is plausible deniability works out.
If somebody got tagged for breaking the rules
Zack did not get tagged, suspended or banned. I asked him and he didn't know what I was talking about. I told you from the source.
You say Zack was interesting? I remember trying to engage him and the only thing he would ever say...
This thing Zack increasingly kept repeating before the onset of total boredom threshold is a binary metaphor rightfully shaming immature, lazy people with no discipline ("fatty") in combination with a special kind of prideful ignorance with the associated cultural mechanisms to support that like equating opinion to evidenced knowledge, unregulated emotional impressions to thinking and those snappy little soundbites which you equate to an appropriate response ("read a book"). As I proposed earlier if it doesn't apply to you then you have nothing to busybody yourself with. However in your case...
And now as a parting exchange -
since I notice you are still getting the attention you seem so needy for and I have better things to do - I shall leave you with a parting comment, actually more withering than anything Zack ever said to you, if you think about it: I feel sorry for you.