I didn't mean Zeihan, I was actually referring to some of the replies regarding cannabis... 
Heh. Well, we could go on that topic for days. I could blanket the forum with data. In the end, I've found people either already get it, or they are incapable of getting it, or they get it but won't admit it because they think it is some kind of culture war topic.
Not to say there are no negatives to cannabis at some dosage and use levels. I just say that is the adults right to weigh and decide for themselves. You can say the same for cheeseburgers, pizza, sugary soda, sky diving, riding a motorcycle. Or water. Go three days without water and you die. Drink 6l of water in an hour and you die. Do we make water illegal? It’s more dangerous than cannabis.
The best way I’ve found to explain it to Normies is imagine you woke up tomorrow in a weird Black Mirror alternate reality.
In this nightmarish world, wine and hard distilled liquors are perfectly legal, but if you drink beer, that is illegal. You can get puking drunk on scotch and that is fine, but if you try kicking back on your couch with a cold beer to watch a game, you risk being put into a cage, losing your job and having your childrens custody taken from you.
You could have bottles of vodka lying all over the floor, but if you had a cold 6-pack in the fridge your risk black nija suited paramilitary cops busting down your door, shooting first and asking questions later in no-knock raids.
It doesn’t matter if you were brewing your own beer, on your own property, for your own consumption, in the privacy of your own home. If they find out, they will try and use the full weight of the legal system to try and destroy your life.
They’ll tell you that you don’t need beer. You can just drink wine and scotch. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like wine or scotch and prefer beer, they know what’s best for you. It doesn’t matter if you try and explain to them that beer has a lower alcohol and thus is inherently safer, they know what’s best for you. It doesn’t matter if you explain to them you don’t care if they prefer scotch, I’ll even pour it for you. All I ask is that they F.off let me enjoy my beer if that is what I prefer. But they know what’s best for you.
Imagine what a strange, irrational, dangerous, oppressive “alternate” reality that would be.