It's usually something like 2 people at 33k bombing radar or ack for later in the day, someone levelling a town unchecked in a tank, one of the now small squads clustered on unopposed base take after another, a couple of people asleep on their keyboard writing a Shakespearian odyssey with their face while their T34 hides under a bush and one dingleberry ACM-head looking unsuccessfully for a dogfight.
The sole reason I was overall tour winner last tour for the second time only in my entire AH career : At one point I was the ONLY active player in the arena for over an hour. After some time I started deacking bases and eventually capturing them, and only that gave my score such a boost to get to the top.

By the way, around 2008 the lowest numbers in the MA during off-hours were around 100 players. That's peak primetime numbers during the week now