P47 is a great plane! It can dive like no other. It has 8 50s for shredding. It can bomb/rocket the Schi++ out things. It can actually turn relatively well for its size. The D11 is super fun for turn fighting. The D25 is a great mid war ride and can turn quite well also. You can catch a lot players off guard with it by getting flaps out at high speeds and turning inside them quickly on a scissor overshoot. The D40 and N are perfect for Jabo. The N can actually turn quite well surprisingly, labtrobe showed me that haha. The M is a beast mode fighter and is unstoppable at high alts, the stats show it.
My only recommendation is to not get caught up low n slow in the furball like most American planes. Excelleration can be a big weakness vs axis planes. I'd stay above 10k if possible in scenarios. Maintain BnZ tactics and only 1v1 the 109s if you know for sure you have an advantage. It can beat 190s all day but it's the rest of the gang you have to worry about, drag your enemies and don't get mixed up slow in the furball.
One of my favorite rides in real life. Heck typing this makes me really want to fly one! Might have to roll that D25 here again soon.