Thursday Night Tank FightsWorlds Biggest Tanks--Battleships!!8pm EST in the AVA arena.

Tankfights with the worlds biggest tanks--Battleships!
this thursday each side will be given a Carrier group and a Battleship
Group. the object is to find and kill the other guys battleship.
Problem: the carriers groups have lots of Ack and the Battleship
Group has 2 Cruiser Escorts. it should be interesting. Please try it out
or at the very least give me your opinion. All are welcome! pilots and
gun guys! this should be wild if it works out!
Planeset: all navy and IJN aircraft.
will give IJN some NAVY planes to even it out.
Please make suggestions, otherwise, this is what you have to look forward
AVA arena 8pm EST Thursday 2/9/23
Common Vox 223