I know the minimum set last year was 8, right.
Let me rephrase your question if I may.
How many kills do you think the round winner should have to get each round?
Certainly it seems to me that should be more than one kill but how many more?
I also know it’s tough to pick # as that number as a recent KOTH event ended when the winner landed with 0 Ks
And, being a bit selfish, it sure would be nice if we can find a way for me to fly opposed to sitting in the tower being the only
keeping an eye on things.
Also I get the feeling people were seeing rule violations and not saying anything. That’s as bad as the host letting guys wing together IMO. Probably need a rule discussion also as we do have a few but I will say with my KOTH experience they are there for reasons which came up in KOTH that had to be dealt with and are valid.
Time to reheat the coffee, that turned into a longer reply than I thought it would. And I do proofread my posts for typos and try to make my responses slightly clearer than mud. That can take some time for me.
Especially on the tiny iPhonie Balonie screen / keyboard.
Didn’t address prizes- shipping , compatibility, off the top of the coconut…
need coffee