I don't have to like something in order to recognize and acknowledge talent.
I don't know if I would listen twice, but I like to enjoy the occasional odd performance. Just something different. Anything other than the bland homogenized culture we have now. Even though they stopped making good music after Joshua Tree.
Don't get me started on movies. If they release one more comic book movie.....uhhg. I was reading a article a while back basically saying, too bad; get used to it.
Movies are so expensive now that risks can't be taken. Sequels have a lot less risk than a new story. If the original was popular you a have a built in potential audience, which reduces risk a lot.
Nuanced stories that may assume some knowledge of the native culture or subtleties of the language don't necessarily translate well into other languages. King Lear is just not quite the same translated into Mandurian.
What works well with foreign audiences is simple, two dimensional story's of unambiguous, easily identifiable good guys and bad guys. The plot is kept down to CGI explosions... I'm the good guy! That's the bad guy. Punch the bad guy in the nose!!! Victory!!!
That is simple, direct, easily translatable to all different cultures.
That's why they love comic book movies. Those are kept simple enough to guarantee appeal abroad. They need to foreign box office now to make back the massive budgets. Overseas is where at least half the money is at.