It is very much a personal preference. SOme guys have a very smooth hand and dont need much if any scaling, others like me swing the stick around like a bat.

The trick is swing in on a target, and be able to hold the pipper steady on your aim point. If its bouncing around your a bit heavy on the stick and my need some damping. Dead space is used mostly to take up slack in older worn sticks. If you click the advanced button when looking at the stick axis number they should be steady. If they are bouncing around with out you touching the stick then its sloppy and you should add some dead space.
The best way is to try it out. Log on to an off line arena and roll in on the circling planes and try to hold a steady aim. Adjust as necessary and attack again. Get it to the point you can get off a good burst with out jumping all over the place. Zooming some shows the bounce better.
The smoother you can get each pass/burst the better your hits will be.