I want fire to sound like sizzling bacon.
Maybe when I retire I'll take it up again. But I'd have to start from scratch. Challenger's files needed to be re-worked. When talking about 120 planes and vehicles that's a lot of sounds to get right. The problem with recording the real thing is ya get sounds that don't belong that make loops hard to do. I think some of the explosions files MAY still be mine, not sure about planes, some sound familiar. I remember getting the 190 loop to be clean was a real chore, but it was the only file I had.... and I still hear the flaw that sounds like mine. Only HT could answer that. He asked for mine and I gave them to him. So not sure where they ended up today.
Who ever did the current I think they sound pretty good, but I only fly a few planes these days. Back in the day I worked on projects way more than I flew. I always had something in the oven.
I'd love to get into visual effects. But again,...same reason I haven't replaced a horrific stick, don't know where the future is going, and I have no green lights.
Reading my post above, ya sure can tell when I'm posting from a phone,...speeling makes English teachers cry.