Just a heads up I have been having a nightmare with installing my CH Pro gear into windows 10.
Basically about a year or so ago I installed the Razer synapse software for my Razer Nostromo and after a windows update and a reboot or two I started getting a BSOD on every boot.
This was my CH Control Manager Drivers for My CH gear. I have the CH Products Fighterstick USB, Flight Sim Yoke USB, Pro Throttle USB and Pro Pedals USB.
Since I wasn't really playing any flight sims at the time I went into Safe mode and uninstalled ALL the CH drivers and software, which fixed the BSOD.
I recently decided to give AH another GO for a bit. Installing the hardware was no issue windows detected all my hardware and installed all the drivers no issue. However as soon as I installed the CH control manager software I got a BSOD and went into a BSOD Boot loop until boot options appeared and I could go into safe mode to remove the drivers.
To get control manager to install I used Driver Verifier Manager, selected "Deleted Existing Settings" to delete the existing Settings, Then I opened a command prompt with admin rights and ran "Verifier /reset"
I rebooted wash and repeated and manage to get the software to install after a try or to I think I still has to give the CH installer Admin rights and install it at least once in safe mode.
This was an all day affair but hopefully if any one else runs into this problem this will help them out and turn wasting an entire day into wasting an hour or two.
To add insult to injury when I finally got the controls working in AHIII I found that the default mappings were totally FUBARed .... My toe brakes stop position was mapped to my guns so when I hit my Toe Brake my main gun would fire, but that was easily fixed by re mapping it.
Sadly I'm not even sure CH is in Business any more. They stopped selling spare parts like a decade ago and they no longer support their software which is like 6 or 7 years old as it is.
Virpil is looking really good right now but I also want a Valve Index I can't justify both at this time.