Ya I saw an issue on DCS BBs. When researching AH and DCS i saw the very huge thread from a few yrs ago, about an AH player talking AH. That crowd hammered him and requested his thread be removed and banned. I could be wrong, but could swear you and your buddy CptTripps were the ones with the noose, hammering him for posting about anything not DCS. What were there like 300 replies in that thread?
If you weren’t worried about your fav game you wouldn’t be here selling it, by hijacking popular threads like mine. Its become obvious what you’re doing.
Talking about it is one thing. It happens on all boards. Talking about it like a sales pitch on a daily diet in other AH based threads us another.
Good chance you don’t start your own threads about it bc it would prolly be removed.
Just stay out of my threads if no one else cares. This is AH on AH bbs, about AH. You don’t see me replying to others replies about DCS, do you? I wonder why. They don’t turn every subject into it.