Can a flight of B-17s white flag a town?
I've never been able to do it, but I'm still wondering if with the right loadout, delay, and correct orientation of bomb run through the town (I'm sure there must be more correct terminology for that last phrase) if its possible...
It takes two passes and your going to have to come at it differently. A normal SW/NE town orientation means you must come at it NW to SE x2 and make sure you spread out your drops as there is no room for error.
You can always learn how to clean up the town with your guns and deck as well.
I would rather use B24's with the 2000lbbombs. With a normal SW/NE orientation you can WF in onepass if you sequence your drops just right.
You can do it with the 1k bombs but it takes 2 passes. Fortunately it only requires 7 bombs if you do it right which saves a bomb for a GV or the dar.
Too much can go wrong with the b17s it's best to use the 24's or lancs but it is possible.