Thanks to Lyric1 for finding me the info for this skin.
In late 1942 the Hungarian Army withdrew its surviving two squadrons of obsolescent Ca 135 bombers from Russia to re-equip with German aircraft. One began retraining on Ju 88A-4s and the other with some old Ju 87Bs. Operations for the Stuka squadron commenced in July 1943 with a full compliment of brand new Ju 87Ds, although later losses to these were sometimes replaced with the old B models. The newly independent Royal Hungarian Air Force named the unit 102./1 Dive Bomber Squadron and at the front they were attached to the Luftwaffe's Stuka group St G 77. They flew around 1,500 sorties over the next few months but by October they were down to only four aircraft. The remains of the squadron were flown home for some R and R but their last few aircraft were all destroyed on the ground in a USAAF straffing attack on their Hungarian airfield.
This Stuka had the Hungarian national markings painted over the German markings as well as the squadron badge on both sides, featuring a monkey on a hill hurling a coconut.