Fair? The axis have Ki-84's, and N1K's, against F6f's, and D hogs, Should be a -4 to be "fair".
The Ki-84 is a monster in AH. It's not hampered by poor quality fuel, or production issues. The N1K is no slouch either with it's laser beam cannons.
A more balanced set would be the N1k, and Ki-61. Those of us that fly the blue planes do appreciate being thrown a bone, but I'll probably fly axis.

Well, he said he would throw in the Chog, which I think would be more beneficial than the 4hog for furballing purposes simply based on snapshots and "time to kill". Atleast for me, I know the Chog bullets will work rather than chasing a plane around pinging with 50s long enough for me to get picked from a quick shot plane with 20mm.
Keep in mind that Hogs and F6F can both out turn and out dive the Nik and Ki84, plus are faster. Literally the only advantage the ki84 has is acceleration on the deck and its 20mm. They are great in the MA from a defensive situation generally from that one advantage, it's pretty fast but cannot dive faster than 450.
This fight tomorrow for the allied will all be about how well they can use their planes advantage and not get tied down in the low n slow furball on the deck. If I were allies, I'd drag planes out to get a 1v1 situation and then go in hard on the 1v1 fight with flaps. Do NOT try to rope Niks and KIs.