@dmonSlyr "Use your rudder. I have peddles and hate the twisty, the rudder helps yaw your nose to get a shot faster, and helps you get your nose down faster if the try to nose down turn. This helps you get the crossing shot better rather than the lead shot. Rudder is extremely useful for getting a shot."
Same advice Demonsl...VIOLATOR(now what did I do with my Rap e Whistle

) gave my CO In Blackwidow Squad! BWDelta," Dude! Violator gave me some tips in the 109!" "Really? "

I was BWDelta's wingman..as ordered for this FSO. It was just before the BlackWidows last time in FSO...The advice helped us all!
The Private Arena, before FSO..you know...to practice?

THE AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Me, Taxman,Nofear,Cruiser,ETC, RickG and Edpat..."TF how you do that?" "PAR........SHHHHHHHHHHH...his #1 advice...RUDDER! That girl(the 109) loves to be tossed around the sky. He was Negative G...Rudder...Negative G...Rudder on and on."
I was 1 year in game.."Do what?" "Never mind Par. You will die, just like I did! (with implied

sentiments). He then commences to VIOLATE US....like you would have!
Awesome memory! LOL AND THAT is why I never felt too bad...picking you in My Spity

Damn I miss those days/Fellers
Love ya Brother,