Thank you guys. Lyric, as always you're a great help. I can see I need to change the prop boss to red from blue, and add a little more tilt to the figure. I can understand how some profilers mistook her for the "Little Miss Mischief" figure from the B-17 nose art, but she is distinctly different upon close examination. It looks like they tried to remove the red from some of the cowl flaps later on also.
The darker blue tails and different lightning bolt shapes in the color pictures make me think there was a late-War repaint of the tails using a darker blue color. My source for the lighter blue was a page from the 79th FG's Group History book:
You can also see here that in some photos, X01's bottom lightning bolt on the tail has 4 segments; in others she has only 3. It appears in later versions, the bolts have gaps between the segments.
Vraciu, I probably strayed a little too solid on the X01 to ensure the white border stands out. It's currently set at 80% opacity but I'll tweak it a bit.