Bombers are showing because they're in my friendly dar attacking our base. I was omw to pork their base in both situations.
HT has always been upfront about settings and all can be located in game (and each arena may have slightly different settings, depending.)
You can find all the specific arena you're in settings (using MA here): clipboard/options/arena setup/environment/arena settings
On that particular menu, you will see a variety of other options, what you're looking for is under "ranges"
radar dot dar is: TowerBaseRadarRange 63360 (feet = 21,120 yds) this is the radius of the dar circle.
this is also the same range for getting base under attack warnings:
FighterWarningRange: 63360
BomberWarningRange: 63360
Radar updates every 5 secs.
icon ranges are generally 6k PlaneSeenIconRange(vary)
Visual range (pixel planes beyond icon range) I think is more variable to one's gfx card and system but seems to be about 10k for ftrs and 12k for buffs. I cannot find a specific setting, but for the 88's we get icon range to 36000 (12k) and that's also about when visual is also lost.
I do notice the bombers are showing up. Is that because it's in dar circle and radar is still up.
How far is radar dot dar supposed to be? Has that ever been confirmed?