Here's the summary of rule violations in Frame 1. I'm not counting any failures to meet minimums in Hour 2. Also, I'm not counting any instances of bailing shortly after take-off, the penalties assessed for taking extra lives were all in cases of a pilot relaunching after being knocked out.
Alliesa. -10 points for one extra P-38J taken in Hour 1.
b. -5 points for one P-40N pilot who took a second life in Hour 2.
Axisa. -10 points for one extra Ki-61 taken Hour 1.
b. -10 points for two pilots assigned Zeros in Hour 1 who took Ki-61's in Hour 2.
c. -10 points for the same two pilots who used multiple lives in Hour 2.
d. -10 points for two other pilots who used multiple lives in Hour 2.
e. -15 points for missing the minimum number of A6M3/Ki-43's in Hour 1 by 3 planes.