It's just like the carnies that assemble the carnival. They're just the filthy dirt bags that assemble the equipment so the real geniuses can run the dog and pony show
Animal was the guy the bass player screamed at for "more monitor" during a show.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Metal bands and the 80s you may be right on a cpl things. Your comment is based on myth.
Road crew (carnies) does not setup the gear, local crew does, usually IASTE, very highly trained and certified, who go home to their families every night. Road crew is 90% operators, truck and bus drivers, wardrobe and catering.
Yes, I can't wait for a band member to scorn me because he failed to show up for sound check,...I only have 3000-4000 knobs I can make or break them with with one single spin of the knob. Never EVER mess with the ME, your career is in his hands. The person who yells twice, yelled the second time because the ME just toasted him the for first time. The Me controls the aircraft carrier, trust me.