Author Topic: LGM Films presents...."Opening Battle - Battle for Paris - AH III Scenario Film"  (Read 10702 times)

Offline Animl-AW

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Funny note;
We both came out with vids on same day, and used the same maps on the front end without even conversing about it. Musta been a cool idea. We're both def going after similar styles and visions with our own twist.

IF I even bother re-posting mine, questionable, I was thinking of slapping the AH logo on the map. Thin fleeting thoughts are plentiful. I have a nice clean logo in .png format if anyone wants to use it.

Masters will make for great films,..I may actually get some great formations happening. I want the clean big shot, which I just don't have. Mine really don't make sense without them. I've never had all the shots I really want and never been happy with my vids, at all. I just don't have that full library yet. And using other films to vid other planes in them is a PITA and somewhat subpar since no inner cockpit works, exterior shots only.

Offline Bruv119

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Thank you gentlemen, and Bruv, for watching. 

Will finish redoing the 2nd Battle for Paris film with same improvements to details.  Will update that thread with new link in few days.


I was going to say you don't see many film makers uploading stuff of themselves getting shot down but it must happen frequently for you, so you've got to work with what you have.   

Now that would have been un gentlemanly   :neener:
The Few ***

Offline Kermit de frog

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I was going to say you don't see many film makers uploading stuff of themselves getting shot down but it must happen frequently for you, so you've got to work with what you have.   

Now that would have been un gentlemanly   :neener:


Way to spoil the ending for the millions that have yet to watch.   :mad:

You can hear the radio chatter of concurrent b26 attacks by fellow JG11 pilots as I'm keeping busy many allied fighters now stripped from their escort duties.

I also lured those allied fighters lower and slower, deeper and deeper into our airspace.  Updating command of their positions in real time, while also learning how to fly again after over a decade. 

The pony pilots tuck tail and ran away, but the jug pilots were not so fortunate.  They died 2 minutes later in their futile attempt to exit our airspace.

I was the only JG11 190a8 to lose a life on that sortie because I was flying like a noob.
Right after the P51 first shoots at me, as he passed by you can hear the 3rd fighter shoot at me, and I had no idea.  My gunnery was rusty, having never fired those guns before in over a decade.  My icon reading was abit off too, as you can tell when I thought they all broke off.  I had to do a double take to realize I still have one determined pilot on my tail.  That was the moment I knew I was going to die if I couldn't do something quick.

Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline Kermit de frog

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Improved the audio abit more.

Updated Link:
Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline MDStampf93

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Awesome work Kermit  :aok
MDStampf - CO of JG11 'Sonderstaffel'
USMC 2010-2021

Here since Tour 71

Offline Alpo

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I'm curious... how are you getting such crystal clear video to Youtube when mine look like you are viewing through Mr. Magoo's glasses??  Is there a setting on Film Viewer I'm missing???  I thought I would try my hand at videos again but now I'm not sure if it is worth the time and effort.  :bhead
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R.I.P.  SKDenny 02/03/1940 - 02/19/2012


Offline The Fugitive

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I'm curious... how are you getting such crystal clear video to Youtube when mine look like you are viewing through Mr. Magoo's glasses??  Is there a setting on Film Viewer I'm missing???  I thought I would try my hand at videos again but now I'm not sure if it is worth the time and effort.  :bhead

The film viewer uses the same settings as the game. So before you run the film viewer to get action either using shadowplay or some other program. Go into the game and push all the graphics up to the best. I turn off the reflections and star blaze lighting effects but use everything else. Then close the game and run the film viewer. That should give you the best video you can get.

Offline Animl-AW

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I'm curious... how are you getting such crystal clear video to Youtube when mine look like you are viewing through Mr. Magoo's glasses??  Is there a setting on Film Viewer I'm missing???  I thought I would try my hand at videos again but now I'm not sure if it is worth the time and effort.  :bhead

Some of us are using screen capture of the AHFV, at least I do. I used Bandicam, the old Lagarith Lossless Video Codec at 120fps,but there are other apps and setups. It also depends on your vid card options game options and the codec used.

It took me quite a while to get rid of stuff like skybanding and get my quality up there.

Also to hit the high HD codec in YT ya have to be hitting about 1080 res....I'm at 2560x1440 now.

Offline Alpo

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I never made the connection that the game settings were synonymous with the film viewer.  Thanks for the information!  :x :salute

I'm using OBS for the screen capture and Nero video editing software.   I'll give it another shot.  :salute
SkyKnights Fighter Group -CO-
R.I.P.  SKDenny 02/03/1940 - 02/19/2012


Offline Kermit de frog

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I'm curious... how are you getting such crystal clear video to Youtube when mine look like you are viewing through Mr. Magoo's glasses??  Is there a setting on Film Viewer I'm missing???  I thought I would try my hand at videos again but now I'm not sure if it is worth the time and effort.  :bhead

Lower resolution videos use the avc1 codec.
2k and up resolution videos get vp9 codec.
Videos with large view counts get the av1 codec.

Right-click on your videos and select "Stats for Nerds"
The codec section will list your video/audio codec used for playback on your device.

Also, upload your best quality video.  Videos will get compressed again on their end.  Go above youtube recommended encoder upload settings.

Since the first days of youtube, I've never liked their encoder settings, but with vp9, it's decent.
Long time ago, I used to use wmv with advanced encoder settings, but it used to take an hour for each minute of video to encode.  I had to host them myself, but at least I could have better encoder settings. 

I use OBS Studio to capture gameplay live.  It has it's own set of limitations, so it may not be the best capture software.  The default settings are terrible, learned this the hard way.  I use film viewer mostly to recapture audio, but someday I'll use it for video capture. 

Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline Animl-AW

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I never made the connection that the game settings were synonymous with the film viewer.  Thanks for the information!  :x :salute

I'm using OBS for the screen capture and Nero video editing software.   I'll give it another shot.  :salute

Yes. Even if you already made a film, game settings change it.
FV reads game data, its basically just a script. You can change visual and audio within the game after the fact.

Time, seas and some fx will still run in fv even in pause or stopped. If you get a night film, open it and ket it sit and dusk and dawn keep flowing.

Offline hazmatt

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Very cool. I appreciate that it didn't have a techno chicken or a Napalm Death soundtrack blasting in the background. I always mute those videos when I watch them.

Offline Alpo

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Lower resolution videos use the avc1 codec.
2k and up resolution videos get vp9 codec.
Videos with large view counts get the av1 codec.

Right-click on your videos and select "Stats for Nerds"
The codec section will list your video/audio codec used for playback on your device.

Also, upload your best quality video.  Videos will get compressed again on their end.  Go above youtube recommended encoder upload settings.

Since the first days of youtube, I've never liked their encoder settings, but with vp9, it's decent.
Long time ago, I used to use wmv with advanced encoder settings, but it used to take an hour for each minute of video to encode.  I had to host them myself, but at least I could have better encoder settings. 

I use OBS Studio to capture gameplay live.  It has it's own set of limitations, so it may not be the best capture software.  The default settings are terrible, learned this the hard way.  I use film viewer mostly to recapture audio, but someday I'll use it for video capture.

Great info.  Last night, just as I was calling it quits, I noticed that OBS had some less than stellar quality settings, as you are indicating, so tonight I'm going to up those values and recapture.  Do the Youtube settings have to be applied before uploading?  I've never really used Youtube for much of anything aside from private hosting of videos due to copyright violations on music I've chosen, but that's fine, as at the time, I wasn't trying to grab an audience.  Now, I'm just wanting to lend a hand to the Special Events aspect of things.
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R.I.P.  SKDenny 02/03/1940 - 02/19/2012


Offline Alpo

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Very cool. I appreciate that it didn't have a techno chicken or a Napalm Death soundtrack blasting in the background. I always mute those videos when I watch them.

Naaa... I'm not a fan of overpowering the sounds of the engine, bullets hitting, and Jaeger talking about newly released maps in the middle of a furball  :rofl

That being said, I do like a balance of background music if the mood is right.  I've just tried it in the past and the copyright karen's banned my stuff.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2025, 02:05:20 PM by Alpo »
SkyKnights Fighter Group -CO-
R.I.P.  SKDenny 02/03/1940 - 02/19/2012


Offline Alpo

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I just went through the rework of the video with higher resolution and graphic options.  I put it all together, uploaded it and everything.  I start to watch, fairly happy with the graphics and then I hear something... "tap tap tap, clank... scrrrape". 

I have absolutely no idea how, but somehow I ended up with sounds from the hanger imbedded in the audio  :furious   FML
SkyKnights Fighter Group -CO-
R.I.P.  SKDenny 02/03/1940 - 02/19/2012
