I'm curious... how are you getting such crystal clear video to Youtube when mine look like you are viewing through Mr. Magoo's glasses?? Is there a setting on Film Viewer I'm missing??? I thought I would try my hand at videos again but now I'm not sure if it is worth the time and effort. 
Lower resolution videos use the avc1 codec.
2k and up resolution videos get vp9 codec.
Videos with large view counts get the av1 codec.
Right-click on your videos and select "Stats for Nerds"
The codec section will list your video/audio codec used for playback on your device.
Also, upload your best quality video. Videos will get compressed again on their end. Go above youtube recommended encoder upload settings.
Since the first days of youtube, I've never liked their encoder settings, but with vp9, it's decent.
Long time ago, I used to use wmv with advanced encoder settings, but it used to take an hour for each minute of video to encode. I had to host them myself, but at least I could have better encoder settings.
I use OBS Studio to capture gameplay live. It has it's own set of limitations, so it may not be the best capture software. The default settings are terrible, learned this the hard way. I use film viewer mostly to recapture audio, but someday I'll use it for video capture.