Author Topic: LGM Films presents...."Opening Battle - Battle for Paris - AH III Scenario Film"  (Read 10703 times)

Offline Kermit de frog

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Great info.  Last night, just as I was calling it quits, I noticed that OBS had some less than stellar quality settings, as you are indicating, so tonight I'm going to up those values and recapture.  Do the Youtube settings have to be applied before uploading?  I've never really used Youtube for much of anything aside from private hosting of videos due to copyright violations on music I've chosen, but that's fine, as at the time, I wasn't trying to grab an audience.  Now, I'm just wanting to lend a hand to the Special Events aspect of things.

Youtube recommended settings are for your final renders only.
Not for OBS capture settings.

Plenty of formats to choose from:

I'd go with whichever format you're OS/apps/hardware support and look best.

If you go with h264, double or triple bitrates for final render settings:

Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline Alpo

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Thanks Kermit... I will try branching off of my tried and true .mp4 which is probably where I'm screwing up. 


Things can only get better... I hope  :aok
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Offline Animl-AW

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Thanks Kermit... I will try branching off of my tried and true .mp4 which is probably where I'm screwing up. 


Things can only get better... I hope  :aok

I edit in AVI, but end product is MP4

Offline ZE

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Great video and actions   :salute

Improved the audio abit more.

Updated Link: