Air Warrior's last day was December 7, 2001 -- the 60th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
A bunch of folks got together in Air Warrior on that last day and made a group event of it. Flying together in it that one last time. In the air until the shutdown.
I used to fly AW with a satellite internet connection (sucked) as I was using all borrowed equipment before 1997. Then, 33.6K baud, then 56K V.90 baud.
I honestly don't recall the last day.
I do know I picked up the game of Aces High, shortly after it came out and it was a natural fit as a lot of the keyboard commands (that I recall) were exactly the same.
I used the "Way Back Machine" to download copies of some older game versions. I was barely successful in getting them to run in some cases, but in others, worked quite well!
And, many compliments to every single participant in making Aces High what it is today. It's amazing what we have today.
I do recall a version of the game where on a map where we could run GV's under the surface of the ground while seeing other GV's on top.
I recall when water was just "blue"
And we had very limited choices of aircraft....
and so much more
So, bringing them back, even in a wrapped exe capable of running on more recent operating systems, or emulated operating systems, using current servers to provide legacy arenas, for an additional cost of course, would be just so cool.
I'd pay double my current subscription to do that in addition to my current subscription, but to make it more realistic, access to version x would be $5 a month, access to version y (includes x) would be $10 a month, and access to version x, y, z, etc.
Not sure if that's realistic, or an idea many would like, but retro games are the "thing" the past couple of years and it's only stronger with being able to buy a "modern" version of an Atari from 1977.
Just some hair-brained thoughts this old guy has