Oh I get much worse.
The defense rests your honor. You’re a child.
I don’t know who “you 3” is referring to I don’t have cronies in the bbs. I’m not aligned with anyone here.
And please you’re not the victim and nobody is trying to reprimand me for my behavior which is basically just repeating your words and actions.
People are not reporting me because there is nothing to report. You cannot say that.
People don’t post screenshots of me sending them endless homoerotic sexually themed pm’s. You can’t say that.
The entire BBS has never asked me to take a break. You cannot say that.
I’ve never threatened people here or chased them to other forums to do the same. You cannot say that.
I will continue to point your your hypocrisy wherever it emerges. You cannot say that.
You have had a clear break with reality somewhere along the way. I cannot say that.
Get help.