And you cannot code human behavior… otherwise the Matrix happens. Also, what time of day is this? You can’t expect constant even action 24/7/365. MA had 150+ last night. I was done playing but stayed 30 min longer just because it was fun.
I mean on offense to anyone but barring HT all of a sudden having a new stance, then for all those reasons this horse is floating downstream.
Im sure the coad can be rewritten so that after "team A" takes 2 bases from "Team B" , team A must switch to the other front to take at least 1 base from "Team C". Team A will not be able to capture any bases on the team A vs Team B front until that one base is captured from team C.
Years ago we had a base take line in the game. If you took A50 then the only bases you could take were along the line at A51 and A60. The biggest issue with that setup was the enemy pretty much knew where the next base attack was going to be and so defense was pretty heavy slowing the base grab greatly. It didnt last very long.
With the coad adjustment suggested above players would still have the flexibility to attack were they wanted to only with the restriction that they MUST switch fronts. They could switch front every base grab if they want, or every other grab. They could also choose which bases along the front they want to hit with out being restricted to the old "line" setup.
I think it would help if the whole "ENY" system was reworked as well. Some of the ENY per planes just seem way out of wack. Some planes have proved to be far better in the game then the numbers suggested they would be vs the others.