Some stuff nice there! Was gonna the music was a bit loud but you seem to have found out.
Depends what you're listening on. That's the issue in a recording studio and basically stuff like this. Sounds killer on headphones, always will...., doesn't sound the same on PC speakers, sounds worse on cell phone. Headphones sound like a touch to much volume on music. And this IS because on pc speakers the planes are louder, etc... blah.
Some guys turn their engines sounds down, if I'm using their file and didn't remix it in AH game, you'll have that.
The other reason why is,.. missing frequencies in speakers.
Will try to explain.
The full spectrum of sound, 20hz (lowest) - 20khz (highest), every freq is the same volume, 0. Scrible art, gives an idea in short what a Graphic EQ looks like. hz=x100s - khz =x1000s. We've all seen this on EQs.
Lowest 20hz....100hz.....220hz...500
z Highest
Most planes are dominant between 100hz - 6khz
Music is between 40hz - 10khz (fuller spectrum)
When you dip down from HP to cheap PC spkr you usually lose everything below 100hz (the spkrs simply won't reproduce lower than 100hz) which means you lose a lot of music volume, since half it's spectrum is missing.
But the planes start sticking out in the mix because they are mostly still with in the range that's left, 300hz-6khz
This will get worse on a cell phone because you'll lose everything below 500hz, now the planes are just screaming, because the dip in music freqs.
It's an acid trip honey spot to hit on all 3 type spkrs.
In a recording studio for music, you have seriously great speakers, Headphones, Car Spkrs. This I so the engineer can make sure his mix sounds as good on car sprkrs as great spkrs and HPs.. Since cars, in the older days is where music is always playing. This is why they get the big bucks when millions is resting on the final product. We all have our own bag of tricks and we won't tell anyone most of's how we make our money.
So remedy
1) find the honey compensation spot of volumes in a mix so it works DECENT on all and do a lot of praying.
2) do the above to a point and then use a compressor to make every freq closer to the same volume, attempting to drag those missing frqs up, higher freqs down,.. without touch the EQ. This is a good and bad because compress too much you ruin the EQing it just smashes everything to one level, dynamics is gone. We call this a flat-line mix.
Old MP3s, because of the devices and spkrs they played on,... used INSANE amount of compression to make that why they sound ike hell compared to a .wav, which carries the full spectrum..
Why live bands will always sound restrictions, one set of speakers, a lot more dynamics, cleaner. As long as the FOH sound engineer doesn't suck, or his ears so blown out he sucks.
This is why playing MP3s on cheap ear bugs are insanely horrible for your ears, and after time will irritate you, and you may not understand why. Your brain is rejecting every freq at the same level and trying to make sense of how the music should sound, your brain is working over-time, even while you sit and do nothing. Same thing when you think you hear the right lyrics and then find out it's not what you thought. it was indistinguishable and your brain filled in the missing blanks. Your brain always seeks the fastest connection to answer to a question, not always the right answer, it just wants to fill in that blank and move on.
Whats the cure so it sounds good on all, a soft honey spot compression setting where you're raising the floor of low freqs a little and holding down the highs a little. Trust me, it's an art. Doesn't mean a normal joe can't do it, the experienced just know the short way home.
All that said, real good In-Ear Monitors the artist use on stage these days, have up to 8 micro spkrs in each ear to cover a full spectrum. They cost between $3k-10k for a pair.
I way over talked it to some, under talked it to a pro. We're nerds.