Artik and All,
The special events team would "LOVE" to accommodate everyone and sponsor some great events.
We have had a ton of events over the years;
- Sunday European Campaign
- This Day in WWII
- Heavy Metal Sunday
- Target for Today
- Fortress Europe
and a host of other events that are now gone with a high likelihood of never returning.
We can only produce what will be supported. Sure these events could have been supported.
We had CMs in Europe, but we have none now, or at least none that are active.
As evidenced in current times, No one is going to stay up and support a crowd of two.
Come with the numbers and more participation in what is currently being offered.
Currently, convenience doesn't lie on the side of Europe as it didn't for the APD region
for many years. Asia Pacific is still here with no signs of leaving and increasing in numbers.
We need to see the Europeans show up for what we are now offering.
Until then, the convenient play times need to go to those who are participating.
I know that doesn't sit well right now, but that is the truth.
We are not going to set play times in a European-friendly time zone for maybe 1 and a 1/2
We hope the sacrifice will not be too much for you and others in your time zone to join us.
Hope to see you in the Special Events Arena.