This is actually a response to a post in another thread but I had such a good time recalling my evening that I didn’t want to bury it there. Hope you all enjoy my trek in the cartoon skies and had as much fun as I did.
I don't think you can claim to be doing it right. No bish/rook action. Is that your name I see on the roster?
That’s me alright! I logged in about 8:15PM EST, and finished up a few things before sitting down. It’s rare that I log in and get right to it but since you asked I will tell you exactly how my night went. Here’s my AAP for 3/1/24.
I had to pick my son up from work around 9PM so as I often do on those nights, I pointed a set of buffs toward a far away strat around 8:30PM and headed off to get my boy. I chose Lancs to the Knight dar factory because it was the closest one that was nearest our highest base and with no active dars to go through. A good route for an afk trip. I returned roughly 40 min or so later and was about a sector or so away from the target. Those heavy pigs got up to about 23K before I stopped asking them for more lol.
I made two passes on the factory and got it down to 51%. On my way back I took out three more base dars and some other soft targets on the way when 68Hobo caught up to me in a P47. He downed one of mine and I was able split him up pretty bad but he was able to get away and land. I was #4 on his kill list so nice for him. Oddly enough, the night before we tangled for almost five or six sectors in my B24’s and his P47. I won that one so we are 1-1.
Looking forward to our next bout! All in all it was about a nine sector round trip over 75 minutes or so and I landed just under 20K damage. Didn’t even realize I left three 500lb bombs in the chamber.
I then moved our CV away from the Knight island because I noticed Cybro moved it recently and of course there was buff flashing its radar. As I often do with a Cybro boat, I set it on a one way Gilligan’s Isle trip into the middle of nowhere.
Next I aimed a set of B24’s toward the Bish AAA from our Southern high alt base and went afk to hang out with my fam, returning like 25 min later maybe. We were watching the latest episode of Next Level Chef. We record and don’t do commercials or needless American drama editing. It’s a 30 minute show when you do give or take.
When I sat back down in the game I was still about three sectors from the AAA so I set a direct course to the joint. On a side note… the cv was free of Cybro and closer to Bish island so I gave it a nudge that way. Went afk again to finish the show with the fam.
Maybe 15 minutes or so later I returned near the Bish AAA. Long story short I got it down to about 70% and saved a few eggs for the ammo strat that I dumped to 90%.
At this point, it was roughly 10:50PM and I was maybe three or less grids away from touch down. Numbers had changed, Rooks were down to about 23 players and outnumbered 2:1 by the Bish and 1.5:1 by the Knights. Unfortunately I ran into a Bish raid heading to Rook island and I didn’t make it home. Forget the two guys names who got me as it all happened pretty fast.
To them. It would have been an 11 sector round trip but I only got through about nine of them. I’ll take it!
Bonus note: Cybro retuned to take that boat again and the Bish were flashing it. What are the chances? lol
Having my fill of buffs for the night I upped a fully loaded P-47N to hit an adjacent knight VH base to help out some fellow Rooks attacking another. When I’m not flying solo I look out for the Regulators squad. Great bunch of fellas who play the game the ways I enjoy. I had to hit the head quick but when I came back I was in the middle of being shot down! People were check sixing me but I was otherwise occupied! Oops my bad.
Next up I ran some supplies to DLO52 who was doing his usual damage in a Wirble at a Knight high alt base. Was a long slow climb up a mountain side. After I dropped the goods I grabbed that loaded Nancy again and made two more trips to that base DLO was at. I dropped the vh twice, cancelled the ords once, tangled with an LA, and played bait to bring unsuspecting planes into DLO’s web of dragon fire! Super fun way to spend my last few sorties of the night. Before I could make my third trip they finally got DLO down so I said goodbye and signed off.
I was logged in for maybe 3.5 hours, actually present for 2.5 or less. Baltic is my favorite map too. It does have some issues in the SW so those two sides are usually quieter. Jimmy was working on a nice update but sadly he lost his backups or something equally crappy.
Anyway, if I’m playing the game wrong then I don’t know what you want people to do. I don’t participate in hordes and I am an equal opportunity front attacker. This is how most of my nights progress.
TLDR: Pretty fun Friday night overall… for me anyway. Money well spent.