Better than could ever be... and the fact an oldish, blindish and unmotivated player can still issue you an
isn't a good look for an alleged stud like you.
Do keep trying tho', maybe you'll be remembered for more than crawling back in.
No offense.
But I’ve killed you both, more than once, and these days I seriously suck. I only need one mistake, I give plenty.
Back in the day of AW, I’d take you both on, at the same time. These aren’t those days, and I don ‘t fly 6-12 hrs a day anymore. Shane and I had competitive words in those days. We were prolly equal skill level.
Seen 1000s of these cat fights. Its not new.
I like and respect both of yas. You two just sin differently. Probably equal skill, depending on the day. If you two winged I would not want to be down range.
The biggest point I get out of this? The game is still working. Hook in mouth.