Well, he called me out on 200 last night and said I didn't have the guts to DA him. He demanded that I DA him and that he get to choose the planes. Naturally he went with the Seafire, a plane I never fly.
Never seen someone quit so quickly. Literally the shortest and most lopsided duel set I've ever had.
He went back on 200 and claimed the DA was for losers who have no life.
You are unreal. I went into match play with you and you beat me 2 out of three. I then said “you won”. You wanted to continue but I didn’t. You then proceed back to ch200 to spew more hate towards me.
You see… I don’t identify myself by my level of dog fighting skill in an online WWII combat flight sim. This is a hobby of mine. I don’t feel the need to berate anyone that isn’t “as” good as me….because I’m smart enough to realize that there will be many different levels of skill in the arena and it’s actually required, if I want to enjoy the simulation. No good having everyone as wonderful as you or Master Lazer. Seem the two of you derive some enjoyment out of telling others they suck. Well you two can say what you want about me…24 years in this hobby and I’ve seen your type before. Shallow little men, that have no real life achievements….are forced to identify by an outdated flight sim. Sad actually.
Just a FYI…you and types like you…in the future will just be ignored/squelched. Told Hitech he made a mistake letting you back, and as everyone can see…all you offer is this bragging/negativity crap.
When I first challenged you to a fight…I asked for WWI plane set. You cowered away. You wanted no part of that. So….you are NOT all that. Yea…you may have fighters in WWII figured out…but your scared to fight me at the planes I have figured out.
Do the community a huge favor and go sign up for Minecraft.