The average new player stays in the game less than five minutes. Hitech tracks all this stuff. 1000s a month come in.
All this stuff you guys are pontificating about is IRRELEVANT. People don't stick around long enough for free planes to matter.
It's also possible that the decision to uninstall has already been make when the first dialog pops up telling them it is only a two week trial.
That knowledge, the UI and initial graphical impression, they have already decided it isn't worth giving ten minutes much less two weeks. Much less tediously setting up all their controls. They might spawn once just to see what in game graphics look like, but they have probably already decided to uninstall.
The charms of AH aren't going to be immediately obvious. However people like free stuff. If there is a populated arena they can play in long term, it might be worth them taking to time to configure.
I bet 99.999% of the people who pay for WT probably started out thinking they never intended to pay. But they had a free portion they could F2P, so that kept them from uninstalling long enough to be turned over time. And no, empty side arena's don't meet that criteria.
But it is academic. Nothing will change.