Thanks to Lyric1 for finding me the info for this skin.
This F4F-4 flew with the squadron VC-39 off the escort carrier USS Liscome Bay in late 1943, It was painted in the USN's mid war tri-colour scheme with the post-September blue-bordered insignia.
In November 1943 the Liscombe Bay was one of three escort carriers assigned to provide air support for the invasion of Makin Atoll, a tiny island in the Gilbert chain. In the early morning of the 24th however she was attacked by the Japanese submarine I-175. Its single torpedo hit struck the aft magazine causing an enormous explosion which quickly sank the ship taking 644 of its crew with it. This was the second largest loss of life on a US Navy vessel, after the carrier USS Franklin. Escort carriers like the Liscome Bay were built in a hurry by Kaiser Shipyards to merchant ship standards; compared to regular carriers they had shoddy construction, no armour protection and poor damage control. Their crews darkly dubbed them "Kaiser Coffins" or quipped that "CVE" (Carrier Vessel Escort) actually stood for "combustible, vulnerable and expendable".