Were you here before Skuzzy showed up Uptown?
Things ran along fine, albeit it WAS the wild west in the forums pre Skuzzy, but the game grew at an incredible rate then, so laying off poor new player numbers on forum/in game arguments now that Skuzzy is gone, doesn't hold much water IMO.
While I'm sure Skuzzy meant well, the end result was losing as many, if not far more players due to his moderation than it kept, again IMO, due to people getting bent out of shape by being unjustly moderated in their eyes. There were hundreds and hundreds of players who left directly because of what they felt was unfair moderation, that's provable by all those who said so on other forums who left here. During the Skuzzy years, I don't recall ever seeing more than a small, very small handful who said they left because they heard some bad words or saw arguments not involving themselves (ie new players), and that if the game was properly moderated, they'd have stayed. The reverse was true, again hundreds upon hundreds left not due to the game itself, but due to being moderated in one form or another in the forums and/or the MA.
I'm sure you mean well Uptown, even in Skyyr et al's case, but if you ban him, you need to also ban those who have argued with him, started arguments with him first, and responded to his initiations of arguments. Based on the films I've watched Skyyr has been posting, there are more players initiating verbal combat with him, than he is beginning with them. That's a fact, and it's provable by watching his films.
So, to be an impartial arbiter of the rules in the MA, to "take out the garbage", you'll be muting/kicking out a dozen plus players, maybe as many as a couple dozen from what I've seen recorded in about 20+ hours of films. I'm not sure this game would survive that right now, it'd certainly drop the MA numbers by a significant and noticeable factor.
Are you ready to do that? Or do you just want to moderate/ban Skyyr and Vraciu, and give everyone else involved a walk even though they've broken the same rules? Skyyr's past actions aren't a factor, Dale wiped that and allowed him back into the game.