goto map controllers in the game. double hit the button you want to map (most of the time it highlights the button you hit) find the action "center tracker", left mouse button", "right mouse button", click on the action and click OK to save it.
So when your in the game with your headset on you will have a dot/ball that you can point to things in the game. Point the white dot/ball at the plane selection button, and click the "left mouse button" that you mapped.
You can still use the mouse if you can find it with out taking your headset off. I can look down the side of my nose between the headset and my nose to look around on my desk, grab the mouse, then looking at the screen in the headset again, point the ball at what you want to click on and click the mouse button. A bit more pain in the @zz.
For VR I added the center button to my joystick, but I dont use it much, I just try to stay centered in my chair and not bounce all over the place. I already look pretty silly wearing the headset I dont want to add in dancing in my seat. My wife would never let me live it down. I did add both left clcik and right click buttons to my stick to make that easier.
Also get Voice Attack. Only $10 and it takes a lot of the button pushing load away.