A friend has a EV they are proud of,…even after they told me they went from Chitcago to west coast…having to stop every 2.5- 3.5 hrs to change ge for an hr b fore hitting the road again. IF you could find a charging station. Any e who diesn't know ,.. its a 3-4 day trip on 8-10 hrs of driving. That means they were robbed of 3 hrs per day on turning wheels, which ensured a 4 day trip.
After all that they still. Claim its a great buy. <blank stare>
Some people are just too proud to admit a bad udea.
Around town, ok, cross country, not so much
Not ready for prime time.
Days of s Pinto I drove a 68 Camaro with Mickey jacked up and Thompson 60s and Craigers
Mags and side pipes.