I only asked you to post this to show just how much you misrepresent to protect your fragile ego. This is 100% only about that.
You claimed some nonsense about 4k and 10k... I said you came from an entirely different base than I was at and that you came in with enough smash to climb up to me.
You claimed I was "afraid to engage a lower plane" - son, you took off pretty quick and used the ta's high alt strengths.
The closest we got was 2k before you were able to run for a good while... and then I was only able to get to 1-1.5k. You ran long enough to get me low on gas to the point I couldn't stick around and chase you any further.
You blabla'd about the la7 being faster than the ta152 at below 13k when we never engaged in any sense at that alt - I was trying to get back home.
You claimed I was lying... these screen shots will show otherwise. They will show that you have a habit of misrepresenting.
You gonna eat your words? LOFL.
This first screenshot, whew boi, where to begin? I think I'll focus on the 4k and 10k comments alongside the bet my life and eat word comments.
Second screenshot. Oh, here we are, first contact in .ahf 14k? check. ton of smash? check.
Third screenshot. "I chose not to engage until coalt." Uhh bruh, you came at me with a ton of smash. Closest we got as I watched you zooming up was 2k (your film should show this), then I was able to close the gap a little until your <cough> TA performance advantage took over and you rannnnnnnnnnnnn, err extended.

So, you see, this isn't about the outcome as much as it is about how you feel the need to misrepresent.