Seriously considering unsubbing after this one. Just believe that scenario should be the best of special events and the one thing that keep bringing people back. I believe this one failed to do so from the onset.
We want every scenario to be excellent in the judgement of every pilot.
That's what we try for every single time.

Unfortunately, some don't work out the way we wish they would.
Also, players do not all like or dislike the same things.
For example, out of the 68 scenarios I've played in since 1992, there are about 2 where about 100% of the pilots liked everything: Battle of Britain in 2013 and Masters of the Air in 2024.
Even for some scenarios similar to those that were highly popular on average, there were groups of pilots who didn't like some aspects, such as for Battle of Britain 1997, Battle of Britain 2004, Battle of Britain 2006, Battle of Britain 2008, Big Week 2017, Der Grosse Schlag, DGS II, and Battle Over Germany.
To help get around such things, we never run the same scenario or even largely similar scenarios twice in a row. We mix it up.
Our next scenario in Feb/March will be different.
So, I'm hoping you give it a go in February/March and it turns out great for you.