According to the boards, all that's left in the game is the "best of the best." Not my quote, but it's been said several times.
20 top sticks out of 600 players online (just saying 300 for each of the two LW Arenas) = 3%
20 top sticks out of 100 players online at one time these days = 20%.
I have yet to see any of these "n00bs" that skilled players are taking advantage of these days. There are no #s guys anymore. I stand by my statement that the population density of new players was higher during those days.
Also, those pilots were most likely spread between two fronts on all three countries, whereas today there is typically one fight on the map at a time.
So we agree that most of this is subjective, and that everyone's "top/best/greatest" is going to be different.
Never even thought about it, especially since most of the pilots flying these days have diminished in skill. And there's really no standout pilots anymore to even warrant the attention of creating a list.
As I stated (which you obviously overlooked in your attempt to sound like an expert just like another member on this board), I take no credit away from those guys and stand by my statement.
By the way, you complain a whole lot about anklehumpers, yet here you are...constantly on mine.
Link to where it's been stated that today's remnants are the "best of the best" ??
I was generously underestimating the 20 in air, and as mentioned there were many more second tier players. The entire player base was 15-20 years younger with all that implies. Today's furball seems to consist of 3-7 players per side, while back then it was 30-40 going at it over bases all along the ingress/egress routes.
Yes, there are vastly less new players, but that doesn't change the fact that many long-time players have settled into their lanes and have not felt the need (or are simply incapable for one reason or other) to get better in a fighter. The in-air density of dangerous players is way below where it used to be.
Lists are subjective, yes, but patterns emerge.
Of course you can opine on who you think is the best of today. You already have the list in your head.
You basically agreed with the statement; I merely corrected the phrasing.
If you had no experience with Drex, why are you even here, let alone inserting the above half-assed opinion?
I'm not so much humping your ankle as much as putting a stop to your misplaced hero worship. Your boi is gone. You've been whining about not finding fights yet seem incapable of starting one (except here on the forums, lol.) Why are you expecting to be handed the gaming experience you want instead of participating in creating it for yourself? See, it's that one-dimensional outlook that's your barrier to finding the experience you seek.
Are you about fun or about kills? I think we've seen you skew towards the one that doesn't generate fun.