Nope, read it all...even the duplicate cuts. You just dont seem to understand that you are the one causing the issue. If you layed off cap and APP nothing would have come of it. Another bit of proof..... how many time has HTC rescinded the "chat suspensions" after all of your complaining here?
Im guessing not too many. You made your bed..... once again, now you get to ly in it. Good Luck.
I think I fixed some of the duplicates. and added a few others.
Why didn't 99Capera "lay off" me? I suggested he do so multiple times.
Why didn't APP "lay off" me? I replied to his comments to me, contextually.
Why didn't APP tell Capera to "lay off?"
What did I say deserving of .rpt as opposed to them simply "laying off" or even .squelch?
You had capera, app and sire on my ankle and nothing I said to any of them was offensive or abusive. Look at their comments directed to me.
You have direct evidence of capera and sire coordinating .rpt abuse while he's slobbering all over my ankle with the language he uses. (I hit .rpt yet he's still out there slobbering.)
You have direct evidence of capera threatening HTC with some kind of... physical protest?? where???
I think you're struggling with context. It's all about the who, not what, for you and the who is *me* for whatever reason, lofl. I think you should "lay off" and stay in your lane.